Thursday, December 19, 2013


I read a post on Facebook which described the phases post a haircut.

  1. Hatred
  2. Regret
  3. Sadness
  4. Acceptance
I cannot agree more :) . However, I do think that this differs slightly for women since we are so easy to deceive and impress.

  1. Elation - This is the part where the gifted hairdresser, who after criticizing the lack of texture/moisture/any other positive attribute in my hair, decides to blow dry it and puff it up to give this newly-discovered look. I, like any other girl am thoroughly flattered that I can look this incredibly ravishing and gently surprised by how well behaved my hair is. I praise the hairdresser, tip him generously and leave to flaunt my locks. 
  2. Shock - I wash my hair. Somehow, it hardly looks flaunt-able any more. The hair goes back to its familiar bad behaviour and lives upto my hairdresser's insults. It believes in the reverse order of a makeover - from "Oh wow" to "Oh NO!"
  3. Panic - Not only do I need to deal with the mess that my hair is, I need to deal with it cut off in several directions which seemed like a great idea at that time.
  4. Regret - I wonder why I was so thrilled about getting a haircut in the first place, especially when the devil was much more manageable in familiar shape.  
  5. Patience - I check my hair on a daily basis to see if it has grown even though the micro millimeters are hardly noticeable. I furiously hope that the day when I see the hair back to its well-behaved self is just around the corner. Patience is tested, inexplicably. 

All that said, I am going for my haircut today. I never learn. Bad haircut hangover coming up!
